Monday, March 29, 2010


It was a Friday morning the last day of school for the year. 6 o'clock Olivia was already for school her mum was still in bed so Olivia went over to her mums bed and her mums hair was all fluffy on one side it was so scruffy so she said whats up baby Olivia said wake up its the last day of school you have to take me there remember I'm going to Ching Ching's house OK got it. HURRY UP MUM I'M GOING TO BE LATE! Now are you sure you have everything yes! lets go! pyjamas? yes Olivia said with a humongous moan. Chocolates for Mrs Adam's yes! new clean knickers MUM STOP IT! After all that Olivia was already out the front gate and she said you know I'm going to miss you sweetie yeah yeah said Olivia. before Olivia went her mum gave her a enormous smoochy kiss yuk said Olivia. she then waved to her mum good bye said Olivia good bye said her mum. that's how it starts but at the end Olivia finds outshe has'nt got everything she forgot her tooth brush. it turns out to be the worst sleepover ever because they made french toast and they werent ment to use the pan so ching ching and Olivia got sent to the room. I enjoy this book because it is interesting.

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