Monday, May 10, 2010


This story is called fairy bread today it was a Becky's birthday and her mum said' whoops its your birthday party today what food do you want? I want oh! got it Fairy bread! is that all her mum said yeah lots and lots of fairy bread OK but we have to make lots of them said Becky's mum cool! they made lots and lots. Until after the party they still had lots left. Oh no said mum what are we going to do with all this fairy bread. Becky sat on her bed and thought of lots of things she crumbled up some for her gold fish,she got the stapler and made some doll clothes,she used some slices for book marks,she got some and stuck them on the window,then she got a envelope and stuck them in there and wrote to her cousin Wesley's went down the street and posted it. bu she still had lots so then she started selling them. but they ate as much as they could but there was still lots left mum said maybe we should throw it out. no! then maybe we should leave it outside so the fairies can take it said mum well... OK. so when she woke up went outside they were gone. but guess what mum put them in the trash when she was asleep. I like this book because when you have to much chuck it away just eat a little bit.